Sunday, 8 April 2007

Now the "serious" training begins

The Easter break has focused our minds on the task ahead. Having spent last week trawling through the paperwork required to obtain licences and permits for the walk the it suddenly hit me that is only just over two months until the walk... where did the time go? what happened to the training? [valley girl voice...] Oh my god!
With this realisation there is a need for serious a training regime, this began today with a family sports day. This hardcore training activity consisted of such favourites as:
  • Sack race
  • Three-legged race
  • Egg & Spoon race
  • "Walking with a beanbag on your head" race
  • "Supposed to be a sprint" race
I understand these are activities that all top Olympic athletes use in their training programmes. Thankfully cheating was ignored and no scores kept or positions remembered. Not only did we manage a top-level aerobic workout, but I also managed to get a sunburn in April !?! Keep up those carbon-emissions!!!

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