Friday, 4 May 2007

Training Update

OK.... so I am steadily increasing my distances and am up to around 6 or 7 miles at a single go (hey, I came in late to this!). Should be around the 10 mile mark by next weekend so I'm fairly hopeful that the distance shouldn't be a problem, I just get bored with it all!

Even with an MP3 audiobook on the go, I find myself getting distracted... maybe that's how joggers get started? They start off as walkers and just start running to get the blasted distance done!

Oh - and I've found that my flippin' jeans keep falling down, so I have to hike 'em up every 50 yards or so. Of course, I'd like to put this down to my continuing fitness regime and dedication to honing my physique but it's more likely to be a simple case of cheap, ill-fitting clothes from Burtons. I would just like to reassure my fellow walkers that this paricular issue will be well and truly sorted by the time we embark on the walk.....

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