Tuesday, 12 June 2007

Hello again. Just a brief update, as I am now thinking about getting into a rigourous training regime, and there isn't a moment to lose. Despite this, I have had some time to ponder the coming days, and must say I have raised some slight concerns.
1.) Those of you paying any sort of attention will recall that I managed to unearth my trusty size 13s a few days ago. Luckily for me I did so in the nick of time. I discovered they were more like a size 12 and pinched like a demented crab on speed. This resulted in a mad dash to Lincoln on Saturday, to acquire a pair of the aforementioned trusty size 13s, which seem to be, on a Saturday afternoon, very adept at assuming the scarcity of dinosaur poo. Anyway it all turned out well, and already I have clocked up almost 2 miles in the new ones so they are virtually broken in.
2) Most intrepid types, setting off on a trek, have a team of huskies, or native bearers, or similar, to ease the burden along the way. As we seem to be sadly deficient in this area I have come up with a scheme to lighten my load. I shall attempt the journey with the aid of only 2 pairs of pants. Day 1 - Fresh Day 2 -Inside out Day 3 - Commando Repeat this cycle for Days 4-6. Sorted.
3 My final concern is over the potential recurrence of an embarrassing skin complaint in a sensitive area caused by chafing. I refer to my delicate buttock cleavage. At the last flare up I sought a homeopathic remedy and was advised to pack the area with used tea leaves. On my return to the practitioner he examined the area and was a little dismayed that it did not seem to be fully healed. On the plus side though he was able to tell me that I would go on a long journey and meet a tall dark stranger. So if that's you, and you're reading this, I looking forward to our rendezvous on the walk.
Must dash ,as I have to get back to thinking about training before dinner.
Best foot forward.

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