Tuesday 27 February 2007

Dave says

I have set March 1st as my day to start training, as it coincides with a trip to my drug dealer.
Once he has checked my blood pressure and reviewed my medication I will pop into the chemist next door and get my next month's supply.
I have conceded that I may have to make a few lifestyle changes in order to manage this Herculean feat. But really how difficult can it be !!! I've been walking since I was 2 for goodness sake !!
I intend to follow a celebrity diet - my chosen celebrity is Humpty Dumpty as I am nearly there. I have the body of Adonis - but Boy will he be teed off when he gets it back.
As the walk takes place in June I am currently scouring e-bay for the best price for bulk purchase flip flops as I'm not sure one pair will get me there.
I look forward to posting regular updates on my metamorphosis.


[should you have any spare flip-flops (size 13) please let us know at info@babybarney.org.uk ]

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